###################################################################### # Running edu2d_tecplot2grid_v1.f90 # # Follow the steps to run the code. # (Or just run this script by typing "source readme_v1.txt".) # # NOTE: The following is for intel fortran. If you use other compiler, # replace "gfortran" by your compiler (ifort, g95, etc). # # Katate Masatsuka, http://www.cfdbooks.com ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # 1. Compile and run ##################################################################### gfortran -o edu2d_tecplot2grid edu2d_tecplot2grid_v1.f90 ./edu2d_tecplot2grid < sample_input # It takes the following input # # - tria_rankine_grid_tecplot.data # # which is created by modyfying the header info of tria_rankine_grid_tecplot.dat, # # and generates the following files: # # - tria_rankine_grid_tecplot.grid # - tria_rankine_grid_tecplot.bcmap